Samurai Olympic Judo Club

Gwent Sporting Club, Dyfed Ave,  Townhill, Swansea , SA1 6NP.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07866633149

Club Code of Conduct

Samurai Judo Club
Code of Conduct

1. Respect and Courtesy

• Treat all members, instructors, and visitors with respect, courtesy, and consideration at all times.
• Listen attentively and follow instructions given by coaches and senior members.
• Refrain from using offensive language or behavior that could harm others.

2. Safety and Well-being

• Prioritize safety by practicing techniques carefully and under supervision.
• Inform instructors of any injuries or health conditions before training.
• Ensure the training area is clear of hazards and equipment is properly maintained.

3. Integrity and Fair Play

• Demonstrate honesty and integrity in all actions, both on and off the mat.
• Compete fairly and honorably, respecting the rules and the spirit of judo.
• Do not engage in cheating, unsportsmanlike conduct, or any form of deception.

4. Commitment and Discipline

• Attend training sessions regularly and punctually.
• Maintain personal discipline, including proper hygiene and wearing a clean judogi (judo uniform).
• Dedicate yourself to continuous improvement and adhere to the training schedule.

5. Inclusivity and Support

• Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.
• Support fellow members, especially beginners, by offering guidance and encouragement.
• Address any form of discrimination or harassment immediately and report it to club officials.

6. Club Representation

• Represent the club positively at all times, both in and out of the dojo (training hall).
• Participate in club activities, competitions, and events whenever possible.
• Wear club attire or badges with pride and uphold the club’s reputation.

7. Grievance and Conflict Resolution

• Address conflicts respectfully and seek resolution through discussion.
• Report any grievances to club officials or designated representatives.
• Follow the club’s procedures for formal complaints and conflict resolution.

8. Personal Conduct

• Uphold the values and traditions of judo, including mutual welfare and benefit.
• Maintain a positive attitude and encourage a spirit of camaraderie.
• Respect the dojo, including keeping it clean and treating equipment with care.

9. Confidentiality and Privacy

• Respect the privacy of all club members and handle personal information with care.
• Do not share sensitive information outside the club without consent.

10. Compliance and Accountability

• Comply with all club policies, local laws, and regulations.
• Accept responsibility for your actions and the consequences of any misconduct.
• Be open to feedback and willing to make necessary improvements.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, we ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for all members of our judo club. Let us all strive to embody the principles of judo both on and off the mat.